Aad J. Hermans honored as Georg Weinblum Lecturer
Georg P. Weinblum
Georg Weinblum began his lifelong work on ship hydrodynamics as a student in St. Petersburg. He completed his studies in Danzig and in 1921 he joined the Technical University of Berlin, where he became a professor, and worked part of the time at the Preussiche Versuchsanstalt fur Wasserbau und Schiffbau. He left in 1938 to become a director of a firm engaged in the development of hydrofoil boats. In 1943 he became a professor of naval architecture at the Technical University of Danzig. After the war he worked for the British Admiralty for a year, and from 1948-1952 he worked at the David Taylor Model Basin in the USA. In 1952 he became director of the Institut fur Schiffbau at the University of Hamburg, where he worked for the rebirth of German research and education in naval architecture. At the same time he was a professor at the Technical University of Hanover. Georg Weinblum's important scientific contributions covered several aspects of ship hydrodynamics: wave-resistance theory, maneuvering, ship motions, and hydrofoils. Throughout his work he exploited theory to discover what useful information it could give for ship design. This began with an investigation of ships of minimum wave resistance for his doctoral dissertation in 1929 and an early recognition of the importance of analytical representations of ship hulls. In other pioneering research he correctly stressed the importance of considering hydrodynamic, in addition to hydrostatic, forces when evaluating ship motions in a seaway. For those privileged to have worked with Georg Weinblum, the effect of his enthusiasm, scholarship, and encouragement was profound and lifelong. He inspired a conviction that problems of ship theory are important and solutions within grasp. In addition, he cared not only about the theories but also the people who made them. |
Georg Weinblum Lecturers
2006-2007 |
Günther F. Clauss
Berlin, Germany |
The Taming of the Shrew – Tailoring Freak Wave Sequences for Seakeeping Tests |
2005-2006 |
Rodney Eatock Taylor
Oxford, UK |
On Modelling the Diffraction of Water Waves |
2004-2005 |
Makoto Ohkusu
Yokosuka, Japan |
Hydrodynamics of Wave-Body Interaction Based on the Observation of Diffraction and Radiation Wave Pattern |
2003-2004 |
Maurizio Landrini
(Emilio Campana) INSEAN, Rome, Italy |
Highly Nonlinear Phenomena in Ship Hydrodynamics |
2002-2003 |
Ronald W.
Yeung Berkeley, USA |
Modeling Viscosity Effects in Surface-Wave Problems |
2001-2002 |
Miyata Tokyo, Japan |
Towards Virtual Reality by Computational Physics |
2000-2001 | Francis Noblesse
Bethesda, USA |
Analytical Representations of Ship Waves |
1999-2000 | Bernard Molin
Marseille, France |
Numerical and Physical Wavetanks: Making Them Fit |
1998-1999 |
Aad J. Hermans
Delft, The Netherlands |
The Role of Applied Mathematics in Hydrodynamics for Ships and Floating Offshore Structures |
1997-1998 | Heinrich Söding
Hamburg, Germany |
Limits of Potential Theory in Rudder Flow Predictions |
1996-1997 |
Justin E. Kerwin
Cambridge, USA |
Experiences in Modeling and Computing Flows with Lift |
1995-1996 |
Lars A.
Goethenberg, Sweden |
CFD in Ship Design - Prospects and Limitations |
1994-1995 |
Touvia Miloh
Tel Aviv, Israel |
Ship Motion in Non-homogeneous Media (in the Presence of Density Stratification and over Muddy Bottoms) |
1993-1994 | Masatoshi Bessho
Tokyo, Japan |
Consistent Linearized Thoery of Wave-making Resistance of Ships. |
1992-1993 |
Odd M. Faltinsen
Trondheim, Norway |
On Seakeeping of Conventional and High-Speed Vessels |
1991-1992 | John Pershing
Hoboken, USA |
Induced Effects on Propeller Inflow |
1990-1991 |
Ernest Oliver Tuck
Adelaide, Australia |
Ship-Hydrodynamic Free-SurfaceProblems Without Waves |
1989-1990 | Karl Wieghardt
Hamburg, Germany |
A Characteristic of Three-Dimensional Turbulence |
1988-1989 |
John Nicholas Newman
Cambridge, USA |
The Numerical Towing Tank - Fact or Fiction? |
1987-1988 | Hajime Maruo
Yokohama, Japan |
Ship Motion in Non-homogeneous Media (in the Presence of Density Stratification and over Muddy Bottoms) |
1986-1987 | Som Deo Sharma
Hamburg, Germany |
On the So-Called Memory Effects in Ship Hydrodynamics |
1985-1986 | Fritz J. Ursell
Manchester, England |
Mathematical Observations on the Method of Multipoles |
1984-1985 | Marshall P. Tulin
Santa Barbara, USA |
Surface Waves from the Ray Point of View |
1983-1984 | Theodore Y. Wu
Pasadena, USA |
The Shallow Water Effects - Do Steady Disturbances Always Result in Steady Responses? |
1982-1983 | George E. Gadd
Feltham, England |
Some Effects of Scale in Ship Model Testing |
1981-1982 | Louis Landweber
Iowa City, USA |
Interactions between Viscosity and Ship Waves |
1980-1981 | Takao Inui
Tokyo, Japan |
From Bulbous Bow to Free Surface Shock Wave - Twenty Years' Trend of Research on Ship Waves at the Tokyo University Tank |
1979-1980 | Otto Grim
Hamburg, Germany |
Propeller and Vane Wheels as Possible Propulsion Device for Ships |
1978-1979 | John
V. Wehausen
Berkeley, USA |
Ship Theory, Ship Design
and Georg Weinblum.
Transient Pheonomena Observed in Passage over Obstructions |